Khwima Neville Mchizi

Khwima Neville Mchizi


Khwima Mchizi is a renowned human rights lawyer/activist with the Malawi Human Rights Defenders’ Coalition (HRDC) and the Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi (APAM) among his high profile clients. He has participated in a number of high profile human rights cases.

He heads the human rights department of the firm. Khwima also practices with the firm’s corporate and commercial law and criminal law departments. Khwima holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Malawi, Chancellor College. He is a member of the Malawi Law Society.

Cell: +265 992 21 25 15

Email: khwimamchizi@clarkesattorneysmw.com

Geofrey Mustafa Taumbe

Geofrey Mustafa Taumbe


Geofrey Mustafa Taumbe is a budding legal practitioner who has over the years taken an interest in insurance law, criminal law, company law, family law, sports law and media law. He’s a very creative lawyer who believes that each case is unique and deserves to be treated as such.

Geof is a co-founding partner at Clarkes Attorneys and a company secretary for several limited companies among them Media Intelligence Africa, Agri Zone International and Amitros International.

Cell: +265 999 51 52 12

Email: geofreytaumbe@clarkesattorneysmw.com

Contact Details

Please find below contact details and contact us today!

+265 (0) 211 212 515

Area 47 sector 2 Plot Number 187, Post Office Box X273, Lilongwe, Malawi

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